Fragile by Sue Glass

Title: Fragile
Medium: acrylic on canvas

Fragile - not having a strong structure or not made of robust materials, and therefore easily broken or damaged.
Delicate - having a fine, often beautiful, structure that is easily damaged or broken
Just like delicate and fragile bubbles, we as humans are beautiful, created in the image of God, but unlike Him we are easily broken or damaged. We get sick, accidents happen, unkind words and actions come against us. It is only through the strength of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that we can remain strong for He give us his strength. Isaiah 40:29 - He gives strength to those who grow tired and increases the strength of those who are weak. As we cannot do so on our own, may you allow the God of the universe to gently and with great strength keep your precious life floating on the winds of His Spirit like the beautiful, delicate and fragile bubbles.