Title: Shatter
Medium: acrylic on canvas

Shatter by Sue Glass

In the past two years I have had three reconstructive sinus surgeries to help me be able to breath better and to no longer have sever sinus infections. During each one of the surgeries they changed something different, moving cartilage and even removing bone. The second surgery was very painful and I had a difficult time with the recovery. There were times that I did not even want to get out of bed. I felt broken and questioned if the surgery was even a good idea. It was during these down times that I cried out to God to help me overcome the pain and the sorrow. I remembered the bible verse Psalm 91:2 “The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge.” It is then that I began to remember how precious I am to Him and allowed Him to heal me. I now breath better than I ever have and have not had a sinus infection in six months. I know that we are works in progress and I have chosen to let God mold me into the person He wants me to be. It is in our brokenness, when we put our lives in His hands, that God makes us beautiful.

I am always amazed at how incredible the journey Portable Vision takes me on is. The people that God brings into my life for this all too brief time are so special. Jamie is such a bold, strong and beautiful young lady. I am blessed to have had the opportunity to get to know her, talk to her and paint with her.  May her future be as bright as her painting is!